The Sacred Garden Healing and Wellness Centre
The Sacred Garden Healing and Wellness Centre is a scenic 25 minutes drive from Fort St. John in a serene setting, where the energy is excellent and the surroundings will bring peace, harmony and balance to all. In the warm and inviting atmosphere of The Sacred Garden Healing & Wellness Centre, clients can balance their body, nourish their soul and transform their life.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one, heal your heart and soul, release patterns and emotions that no longer serve you or seek information to help guide you on your life path, Terri is here to assist you on your journey.
Terri helps heal clients emotionally, mentally, and physically. “I am a Psychic Medium, Master Intuitive Healer, a Certified Akashic Record Reader, Angelic Connector and Spiritual Teacher,” explained Terri who is also a registered Healer with the International Natural Healers Association.
Terri teaches classes through The Sacred Garden Healing and Wellness Centre such as Reiki, Angel and Spirit Guide Workshop, Intuitive Development, mentorship and more. Some of the items carried by The Sacred Garden Healing and Wellness Centre include essential oils, chakra oils and sprays, smudge products, books and angel cards.
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Meet Terri Mytopher
Meet Terri Mytopher
Terri was born and raised in Rose Prairie and is very proud of Fort St. John's amazing people and positive energy. She appreciates the ease of her commute and how the stores and services are easy to access. She especially enjoys the country atmosphere of Rose Prairie, where she was born and raised and runs her business on the family farm. The rural setting allows for unique opportunities for locals and tourists alike.
Terri knows Fort St. John is amazing for the quaint, unique shops. She also enjoys the variety of stellar entertainment events brought to both the North Peace Cultural Centre and the Lido as well as community wide events such as the Crystal Cup, High on Ice and the Canola Fest. Terri is grateful to the North Peace Museum for displaying the heritage and history of the Peace Region.
In 2005 Terri followed her intuition to begin helping clients heal as a part time job. Following her passion, Terri opened the Sacred Garden Healing and Wellness Center in 2009 and is very proud and humbled to be able to use her gifts to help thousands of people. Terri adds, "I have grown my Healing Center into a very successful business working with clients locally and throughout North America and doing it all from the very farm I was born and raised on in Rose Prairie."