Hazelton Farmers’ Market
The Hazelton Farmers’ Market provides local farmers, craft producers, and artisans with a viable market for their products while creating a unique and consistent consumer experience. This partnership between community food producers, crafters, artisans and the public helps to promote a philosophy of food security, community well-being and small-scale business opportunities. On any given market day, patrons will find a diverse selection of farm fresh produce and herbs (much of which was hand picked in the morning), eggs and meats, plus wild-crafted and harvested foods like herbs, mushrooms and berries. Garden selections also include plants, flowers and hanging baskets. Guests can sample and take home delicious prepared and ready-to-eat foods, including baked goods, jellies and preserves, barbecued meals, and beverages. Guests will also find an eclectic array of original, locally-produced artwork, photography and hand-crafted items by artisans who live in the Hazeltons and region.
The Hazelton Farmers’ Market is a member of the British Columbia Association of Farmers’ Markets (BCAFM).
Meet The Hazelton Farmers' Market Society Board & Market Manager
Meet The Hazelton Farmers' Market Society Board & Market Manager
It takes a community to pull off a successful market, and the people of the Hazeltons are just about the best around according to the Hazelton Farmers' Market Society members. The market is a non-profit society and is governed by a board, all of whom are volunteers who do what they do because they believe in the philosophy behind the community market. It is just one example of the kind of community spirit that characterizes the communities that make up the Hazeltons. "People from all kinds of backgrounds pull together to make things happen," says society member Lynden Sherman. That spirit is very evident in the quality of the vendors that the Hazelton Farmer's Market has been able to attract since it has been in operation. "The market continues to grow and support local livelihoods while establishing a place at the heart of the community," Lynden says.
Society members and vendors are proud to have partnered with Storytellers Foundation to participate in the BCAFM Farmers' Market Nutritional Coupon Program. This partnership program helps to benefit both local food producers as well as low-income families, allowing them to enjoy free or low-cost fresh produce, meat and eggs. In 2014 the program was able to supply 40 families and seniors with a total of $9000 worth of nutritious, farm fresh foods from eleven of the market's vendors. This innovative program contributes to the overall health and economic well-being of the community and enhances the inclusivity and community feeling of the market.
Lynden and fellow society members understand that rural northern living has unique challenges. Yet, in spite of that, "people here are incredibly resilient and choose to make their livelihoods here despite the inherent challenges of a boom and bust resource sector economy. Their dedication to this place and its community drives them to succeed," Lynden says. That, and the wonderful natural resources and spectacular terrain make the Hazeltons the best place in BC to live.