Larry`s Wood Bowls & Platters
Larry Shkuratoff’s hand-made artisan bowls and platters are stand-alone works of art in their own right, but serve as functional, utilitarian pieces too. Larry’s skilled hands and eye for detail have made his intricate and exclusive designs in high-demand in the northern BC interior. Larry’s Wooden Bowls and Platters are sold in galleries throughout northern BC, but locals can get their hands on one directly from the artist here in Granisle.
Meet Larry & Lorraine Shkuratoff
Meet Larry & Lorraine Shkuratoff
Larry Shkuratoff was a hand faller by trade, working in the logging industry out of Terrace, BC, when he experienced a devastating accident. It left him out of work and with two bad legs. However, his hands still worked perfectly, so while he spent a year recovering from his leg injuries, he took up an old hobby: making wooden bowls on a lathe.
What began as a fun way to pass the time while he rehabilitated and received job re-training ended up becoming much more than a hobby. Larry and his wife Lorraine began simply giving his creations away to family and friends, but word about his talent and handiwork soon spread and it wasn't long before locals began knocking on the the Shkuratoff's doors asking to purchase Larry's wooden bowls. These days, the Shkuratoffs sell his creations in galleries around northern BC, including the Ice House Gallery in Prince Rupert, but they also still sell them right out of their front door.
The Shkuratoffs moved from Terrace to Granisle about a decade ago because they'd always been attracted to the area. They spent many years camping and vacationing in Granisle, eventually buying the home they now live in as a retreat getaway and as a retirement investment. It overlooks Babine Lake, something that delights Larry and Lorraine every single day. Plus, "it's wonderful for our grand kids. When they visit they always want to play in the lake!"